I find great joy in providing the environment and space for you to discover and discern answers to questions about purpose, call and direction. I know how important it is that you have a person of trust with whom you can discuss and process your challenges, hopes, goals and dreams. I believe a foundation of trust is the greatest ingredient in personal growth.

Jennifer is a graduate of Presbyterian College (Clinton, SC), where she also had the opportunity for a semester in Beijing, China. After PC she served as an Intern with the Clemson University Presbyterian Student Association. During her two years at Clemson she discerned a call to continue her education and theological training.

My life’s work is devoted to the development and growth of people and companies. It gives me great joy to connect people’s gifts and passions with their callings and careers. I am no stranger to, and in fact, I welcome change, challenge and opportunities for growth.

A professional coach and counselor , Nancy Terry enjoys coming alongside leaders as they ignite their discovery process and shift through change, transition and transformation in the various seasons of their personal and professional lives.